I want to replace my existing Learning Management System

A total upgrade for your e-learning
Your learning management system (LMS) may be creaking because of its age or its capability. You may just not like the way it works and serves your learners. It could be restricting your business, either in terms of the number of users you can realistically serve or the geographical reach. Whatever reason you are looking at new LMSs for, here are a few considerations.
The cost of learning
Your costs when it comes to e-learning are not just in your LMS.
Consider also the cost of SCORM wrapped content for interactive learning, and user license fees when your number of learners grows. Think about translation costs if you have multiple languages to work with, and lost or wasted time if your learners are not training in their native language.
Learn with Mobile lets you choose to pay a simple license fee for each learner or a flat fee for unlimited users. It also allows you to upload content regardless of whether you've gone through the expensive process of having it SCORM wrapped but still keep all the tracking capabilities you would usually lose. And the language features are second to none.
The language of your learners
Apart from the translation costs, language still needs to be a consideration. Even if your business does not have offices and staff in more than one country, you may still have multiple nationalities with different native languages among your learners. And if your business is multi-national then this is an essential need.
Learn with Mobile includes 64 of the world's most popular languages so that each of your learners feels at home with the software. The system text can be translated automatically, as can all content that's been created within the system. See our article Deliver training in different languages for more detailed information about our language support.
Engaging your learners
If you're thinking of replacing a traditional LMS, then you are probably used to the idea that learners will have to navigate multiple levels of text-based menus before they get to their prescribed learning. There's probably very little chance that they will find anything else to interest them along the way so there'll be no spontaneous learning or learning by discovery. And they all think of e-learning as a necessity that they have to suffer from time to time rather than something they actually want to do and enjoy.
Learn with Mobile has been designed to engage the learner. From its bright fun interface, to the easy to navigate topics and courses, there's nothing boring or difficult to navigate here. There are built in achievements to give a level of gamification, and there's a sophisticated search function that uses titles, text, and tags to help your learners find the right learning easily. While they navigate the system, your learners will find other content that interests them. Our philosophy has been to try to get them to do one more piece of learning than they set out to do.
A consideration in most organisations will be computer hardware. Adequate servers and storage space are vital if you don't want to see your e-learning grind to a standstill. And this all needs monitoring and upgrading as your workforce and the volume of learning grows.
Learn with Mobile is entirely cloud based. You don't need to worry about the quality of the infrastructure or the scalability. The data centre resources allow us to keep the data for each Learn with Mobile completely secure while giving us almost infinite capability to increase processing power and storage in real-time.
If you're looking to educate in a fresh, affordable, and rewarding way, check out fully mobile responsive e-learning solutions using Learn with Mobile. Get started for free right now, or call the Ambidect team on +44 (0)1260 221292 if you have any questions.