I'd like to add mobile to my existing learning system

Already got e-learning? Add mobile
Many traditional learning management systems (LMS) work well in a classroom environment, or when people need to sit at their desk and work their way through a large amount of presented learning. But when they try to go mobile, there are going to be technical and functional difficulties that usually result in you just giving up and staying with classroom training.
All the advantages and opportunities of m-Learning needn't be out of your reach if you choose the right system. There's no need to even consider throwing away what you've already invested in.
Mobile means any device
When you try to make any legacy software work on mobile devices, it's inevitable that you'll hit problems. Perhaps it's as basic as the computer language the system is written in simply doesn't run on mobiles and tablets. Or maybe the software can be adapted to run only on a specific operating system like Windows or iOS. This is as true with e-Learning systems as with any other software.
With e-learning software there are additional considerations. Can it handle all the different demands of iOS smartphones and Android Phones and iPads and Mac Books when it comes to running interactive learning and even simple videos?
Our philosophy is that the device or operating system shouldn't be part of the equation when it comes to e-learning. Learn with Mobile has been designed to work exactly how you'd expect it to, on any device. This means that your learners can learn what they need to learn, when it's convenient, and at a pace that works for them. They get the right experience if they pick up a smartphone to learn on, and equally if they carry on later using a tablet, or sit down with a Windows laptop or a Mac Book.
Finding the right learning, quickly
Often a traditional LMS will require the learner to wade through multiple menu layers to get at the learning they need. Once they get there it's very unlikely that they will do anything but complete the prescribed learning and then leave. And it's almost impossible for them to use the same system to brush-up their knowledge in specific areas when they need to.
m-Learning opens up the possibility of an engaging and exciting learning experience that encourages learners to consume more learning than they intended, and that lets them drill in on the exact content they need very quickly. Equally it allows you to guide them through structured learning if that's what is needed. This is only possible when you move away from the traditional menu-based interface.
Getting the best of all worlds
You've likely invested a huge amount of money in your LMS and in the content it serves up. Using Learn with Mobile to remove geographical restrictions and to open up mobile learning to your entire workforce means leveraging that investment, not throwing it away.
The structured learning you need can be built into Learn with Mobile in the form of courses, and you can also have topic based learning with a sophisticated search engine built in.
And best of all, the learning assets you've already created can simply be loaded up into the system and re-used. Don't worry if your videos are in the wrong format, we'll give you the opportunity to allow Learn with Mobile to convert them for you.
So you can keep everything you like about your existing LMS, and extend your reach with Learn with Mobile.
If you're looking to educate in a fresh, affordable, and rewarding way, check out fully mobile responsive e-learning solutions using Learn with Mobile. Get started for free right now, or call the Ambidect team on +44 (0)1260 221292 if you have any questions.